Sunday, September 5, 2010


When I first heard about Soulless by Gail Carriger I wasn't sure if I would like it or not.  I've never read any steampunk type books, although I didn't really think it was steampunk at all.  ANYWAYS I read Soulless, loved it and rushed out to buy Changeless. I liked it as well right up until that damn cliffhanger ending.
  Lucky for me I read these books in July and didn't have to wait all that long for Blameless to come out.  I am currently on about page 300 with only 50ish more pages to go and I'm SO bored.  I find myself skipping over most of the boring descriptions and pretty much anything having to do with Alexia.
I'm bored with the writing.  I know that they have all been written in the same tone but for some reason it's really grating on my nerves this time around.  Maybe it's because so far Conell and Alexia have had zero interaction, or the that the story is told from two different viewpoints?  

I'll let you know if the book redeems itself in the last 50 pages

/Edit/  UGh! It did get better in the last 50 pages and Alexia and Conell FINALLY meet up.  But really, it seems to me the author is trying to be too clever in her descriptions and for me, at least, the fight scenes are boring and have no feeling of danger.  I might read the next book in the series, but I definitely will not be buying it.     

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