Last year my New Years resolution was just to read the books on my bookshelf LOL. I started buying books, but never got around to reading them ( I went to the library a lot in spite of the books I had already sitting on my shelf....Bad book hoarder! BAD!!), and before I knew it I was up to my EARS in books. So yeah. I figured the easiest way to get through all the books was just to start alphabetically. I think I did pretty good, minus the fact that I started a blog and found all these other great books to read that I didn't know about. So of course while I was reading alphabetically down my shelf, I was also buying books from the letters I had already read. I suck. I really truly suck. I am so sorry to all the books that I purchased two years ago and still have not read them yet...I'm looking at you Forest of Hands and Teeth, Grimspace, and The Name of the Wind SOoOooo Sorry!
Anyways, without further ado, here are the books that I most enjoyed reading this year, in no particular order, except for maybe alphabetically ...enjoy!
Anne Bishop and the Black Jewels Trilogy
Oh my gosh, when I got to Daughter of the Blood , I did NOT want to read it. It seriously took me over a week to get 100 pages in to it. ( I think it was all the crazy world building, I mean this world is MASSIVE and complicated too!) But then I forced myself to sit down and read read read, and I'm glad I did. It turned out to be such a beautiful story and I had to rush out to get the last two books so I could read more of Janelle and Daemons' story. I was sad to leave the world when it ended :(

This was a book that I randomly found at Half Price Books ( love that store.) I had never seen or heard anything about this book, and actually I still haven't. Which is too bad, because I really liked this book and it kind of has a sad ending. Or at least I wish it would have ended a tad differently. The author has not put anything out since this book. Boo! Get writing Mr. Adams!! I want more!
Patricia Briggs - And the Mercey Thompson series
Ok so really, I just read the most recent book that came out, Silver Borne. Anyways, story was awesome, as usual. I'm so in love with this series, I can't wait for the next one!

I've never read anything by Emma Bull before. I picked this book up from Half Price Books too! I really enjoyed this one, even if it was extremely dated! Haha oh, those clothing descriptions were killing me!
Dresden files by Jim Butcher DUH

Total Eclipse was the last book of the series. It was so sad to say goodbye to some characters that I really and truly loved. I've been there with them since the beginning and all the crazy shit that happened in between. It was one hell of a crazy ride and I am going to miss this series so much.
I read the first book in the spin off series that is in the same world as Weather wardens, but I just couldn't get into it :(
House of Night series by P.C. Cast
BFF told me to read this series and I was extremely reluctant to do so. I was sure I wasn't going to like it at all. Then I read the first book and I was hooked. Sure they repeat stuff way too much, and the Easy Peasy crap is annoying, but it's just got this crazy good story going on between all the some times funny, but mostly annoying chit chat.

The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
I always shied away from this series because I thought the covers were ugly. Actually, I still think the covers are ugly. But I really loved the story inside. More Magnus please :D
Jennifer Donnelly
Oh my gosh I could gush about this author all frickin day long. But I wont.
A Northern Light was a book I randomly picked up and didn't read for a while. I didn't like it at first, but kept reading, and it turned out to be such beautiful story. Jennifer Donnelly is such a talented and emotional writer.
Revolution was the other book from her that I read and well, let's just put it this way, it's on my all time favorite book shelf.

This was one of the first books I read when I started this blog and it was soooo lovely. I cried. I admit it. But shhhh don't tell anyone. I can't wait till Where She Went comes out!
Night Huntress novels by Jeannine Frost
OMG OMG OMG I L-O-V-E this series! My favorite is still the first book because Cat wasn't such a bitch yet lol! Hurry up February!

Thanks to Barnes and Noble, I found this book for $2! omg no frickin way. Yes WAY. Pudge, the main character has a great voice and a funny sense of humor. Really great quotes and some lessons thrown in for good measure, and I am totally hooked on this author
Hex Hall by Rachel Hawkins
I loved Sophie. LOVED her. It's rare that I LOL whilst reading books, and I laughed quite frequently while reading this. The best part was that even though this was a YA book, to me at least, I thought there were some very dark situations thrown in and I loved that too.
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
I read this book on my phone while I was on vacation in D.C. I am totally and completely in love with this book. I want it in paperback and I want it NOW.
SO, there you have it. The books that I really and truly loved reading this year. Sure, I had to get through some books that I really, REALLY disliked to get to these gems, but I figure it was all worth it!
This year my New Years resolution is to read at least 100 books off my shelf, and STOP BUYING MORE BOOKS!! *crosses fingers and prays to the book goddess that she can at least keep her book buying to a minimum*
I'm going to be pretty busy this holiday so this will probably be my last post until the new year. : ( Please don't forget about me! I swear I shall return! But until then I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful holiday! And please eat lots of cookies, and candy because it's good for your health I SWEAR! :D
Happy Holidays!