Monday, December 13, 2010


BOO I suck.  I've totally been reading, I just have nothing to write about the books I read. Maybe it's the crappy, cold, snowy weather we have been getting but I just can't seem to think of anything to write  :( So here is a short recap of what I've been reading.

Plain Kate
By: Erin Bow

Plain Kate was a good read.  Lots of interesting characters.  But mostly I thought this book was depressing!  Plain Kate has got some really awful luck and I just felt bad for her.  My favorite character was her CAT.  :D

Inside Out
By: Maria V. Snyder

I love Snyder.  Period.  Her character voices are always different which is why I love her so much.  Inside Out is her first attempt at Young Adult and it was awesome.  Although a little confusing in the beginning.

Chasing Brooklyn
By: Lisa Schroeder

Told in verse, it was a really quick read, and yes it is amazing how so few words can form an interesting story, buuuut, I didn't really think it was that interesting.  In fact, I thought it was boring, and I didn't like how Brooklyn kept going back and forth with her decisions. GRR

Pack Challenge  (Magnus Pack #1)
By: Shelly Laurenston

Amazon had this book for free for kindle I think it's like $4.99 or something now though  :(.  It was ok.  I liked Sara and her friends even if they were over the top obnoxious.  The lovin' scenes were meh, and Zach was kind of meh, but I liked the plot.

Aaaaaaaand that's all I got.  Maybe I should have a few alcoholic beverages before I sit down to write reviews haha!


Tammy (The Book Fairy's Haven) said...

For some or other reason I keep avoiding picking up Plain Kate - definitely looks like a kind of Meh book to me. Chasing Brooklyn on the other hand is a book that I've been dying to read for a while. In fact, I have yet to read a verse novel - can you believe it?

Hopefully you find books this week that will rock your world. :D

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

uh oh, i just got plain kate recently. i'm sad to hear that it's depressing :(

Sniffly Kitty said...

I always find that Snyder's series start off great, but suffer in the books that follow.

Sniffly Kitty
Sniffly Kitty's Mostly Books
New Meme: Third Sentence Thursday!

Zee said...

You may be going through a little writing dry spell but I love the short, to the point snippets of each book. I think I'll give Plain Kate a try. Have a great day!

TheBookGirl said...

Nothing wrong with short reviews...sometimes less is more :)