Kate Daniels

I finally got around to re-reading Magic Bites. Would you believe I liked it better the second time around? I know many who have read this series didn't like the first and second books, but I loved the hell out of them. Maybe it's because Kate and Curran didn't hook up right away? I do love it when characters are friends first. Whatever it is, I am loving it!
I'm on the third book right now, but I'm not too far into it. I'm excited to see why everyone loves this third book so much.

I have a good reason for not reading this book right away. I saw that JF was going to release a second book this year and decided to wait until both were out. After I'm all caught up with Kate Daniels, Cat and Bones are next! WOO!

Lords of Deliverance
Same deal with this one. Read all the Demonica books, then LI came out with this spin off series. Saw she was releasing a second book later this year and decided to wait. BFF told me she LOVED this one so I'm def excited to start it :)

UGH I am like three books behind on this series. I'm not even sure if I want to read them. I mean, it's been SO long, I don't even remember what is going on. All I know is that I like Cormac!!

I loved the first book. I just never got around to reading the rest of the series.
It was pure torture trying to get through the first two books of this series. As in, I hated the first book and might have disliked the second one even more. BFF assures me that the series gets better and I just have to get through one more book before they start getting good. I trust her and all but uuugggghhhhhhhh I don't know if I'll make it!
I have more series that I need to get caught up on but many of them I haven't started yet and have the first two books sitting around. I don't know why I keep buying the second book of a series if I haven't read the first, it's just a bad habit of mine. I should probably stop doing that lol :D
lol I am so like you...need to get them now but never really got to them at all. At least I don't really have a ton of series to read like you ;) but damn you got a lot to read!! :P and my 2nd hand bookstore I go to moved :( me is sad...I can't buy books now...
Great post! Great review!
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