Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Breaking the Spine where we share what books we are most looking forward to.
This week my book is FINALLY not part of a series! WooHOO! It also comes out next month so another plus.
Five Flavors of Dumb
by: Antony John
Publication Date: Nov. 11 2010
THE CHALLENGE: Piper has one month to get a paying gig for Dumb—the hottest new rock band in school.
THE DEAL: If she does it, she'll become manager of the band and get her share of the profits, which she desperately needs since her parents raided her college fund.
THE CATCH: Managing one egomaniacal pretty boy, one talentless piece of eye candy, one crush, one silent rocker, and one angry girl who is ready to beat her up. And doing it all when she's deaf. With growing self-confidence, an unexpected romance, and a new understanding of her family's decision to buy a cochlear implant for her deaf baby sister, Piper just may discover her own inner rock star.
This is definitely different than what I usually read but everybody needs a break from their usual genre or else it just gets boring! Wouldn't you agree?
What are you waiting for?? :D
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Books for Halloween!
1. Dracula by Bram Stoker. Ok so technically I haven't finished this book yet, but I am definitely more than half way through and it is awesome. The freakiest part so far has got to be the ship coming in totally abandoned. Seriously, what you be thinking if a huge ship came up to shore and it was completely empty? I'd run like hell!
2. The Bone Collector by Jeffery Deaver. The title itself is scary enough!
3. Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer. OMG a crazy blood sucking baby that tears its way out of the womb?! AHHH!!! oh oops....Spoilers?
4. Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice. Yeah alright, I wasn't really scared by this book but the thought of having a conversation with the devil kind of freaks me out.
5. Coraline by Neil Gaimen. Freakiest children's book ever? Yes Yes I think so. The Other Mother is the stuff of nightmares!
6. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. What? I have to read it over again? DEAR GOD NOOOOOOOOO!!!! * screams bloody murder*
7. Frankenstein by Mary Shelly. Jebus! Can you imagine a freaky sewn together "man" running around in your neighborhood and peaking through your windows with his skin all rotting off? Ew.
8. Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. Yeah ok, once again not really scary. Humongous dinosaurs eating you is totally not scary at all. *whimpers*
*I can't think of anymore books at the moment, so I'm going to switch to movies
9. The Ring. I don't watch a lot of scary movies on account of the nightmares. This movie gave me nightmares for 2 weeks. I slept with the light on for about a month
10. Unsolved Mysteries. I know this isn't a movie but whatever. There was this one episode that talked about alien abduction and it scared the hell out of me. I thought the aliens were hiding behind my bed and I refused to even enter my room until my dad checked it out first. I have never watched that show since. Plus the narrator guy was scary just by himself...freak!
I go to seek a Great Perhaps
I did it. I finished a book! Finally! \o/ And I didn't even cheat by skipping ahead in the alphabet! I stayed at G and now I shall pat myself on the back *pats*
Looking For Alaska
By: John Green
I started reading this book not really expecting much. I mean, I'm in the middle of a book slump/I-don't-want-to-read-anything-at-all crisis after all, so I wasn't really all that excited to read this. And no, I did not know that this was an award winning book, and no, I have never heard anything about this book until I saw it for like 2 dollars on the Barnes and Noble bargain shelf on their website. You can't pass up a deal like that!
The book starts out with Miles' parents throwing him a going away party. Except it isn't much of a party and Miles knows that no one is going to show up. It's one of the main reasons that he's decided that he wants to go to the Culver Creek Boarding School that his dad also went to. The other reason is this; as a lover and collector of peoples last words before they die, Miles has come upon this one by Francois Rabelais, "I go to seek a Great Perhaps." And that's what Miles wants. A Great Perhaps. A great something that he can only find by being in someplace completely different, where no one knows him.
At the boarding school Miles quickly befriends his roommate who nickname is The Colonel. The Colonel introduces him to Talkumi, Lara, and Alaska and Miles' life changes forever.
We follow Miles as he talks about his new life at school, the personalities of his new friends, his opinions on certain classes, planning pranks, and love. Centered around all of this is the ever interesting, always mysterious and sometimes moody Alaska Young.
Split into two parts, before, counting down from one hundred thirty six days, and after, readers know that something big and perhaps life changing is going to happen. When it does happen, characters are left to deal with the aftermath. Can they forgive themselves? Could it have been prevented?
And behind all of this is Miles' religion class which he uses to try to answer some of life's biggest questions along with the help of his famous last words. Green handles all these situations like a pro without ever becoming preachy or over philosophical.
Yes YES! Read this book. It is truly a wonderful book and I really, really enjoyed it. I loved Miles' voice, and I loved the crazy and impulsive Alaska, and I loved the ridiculously short but uncompromisingly loyal Colonel.
Looking For Alaska
By: John Green
I started reading this book not really expecting much. I mean, I'm in the middle of a book slump/I-don't-want-to-read-anything-at-all crisis after all, so I wasn't really all that excited to read this. And no, I did not know that this was an award winning book, and no, I have never heard anything about this book until I saw it for like 2 dollars on the Barnes and Noble bargain shelf on their website. You can't pass up a deal like that!
The book starts out with Miles' parents throwing him a going away party. Except it isn't much of a party and Miles knows that no one is going to show up. It's one of the main reasons that he's decided that he wants to go to the Culver Creek Boarding School that his dad also went to. The other reason is this; as a lover and collector of peoples last words before they die, Miles has come upon this one by Francois Rabelais, "I go to seek a Great Perhaps." And that's what Miles wants. A Great Perhaps. A great something that he can only find by being in someplace completely different, where no one knows him.
At the boarding school Miles quickly befriends his roommate who nickname is The Colonel. The Colonel introduces him to Talkumi, Lara, and Alaska and Miles' life changes forever.
We follow Miles as he talks about his new life at school, the personalities of his new friends, his opinions on certain classes, planning pranks, and love. Centered around all of this is the ever interesting, always mysterious and sometimes moody Alaska Young.
Split into two parts, before, counting down from one hundred thirty six days, and after, readers know that something big and perhaps life changing is going to happen. When it does happen, characters are left to deal with the aftermath. Can they forgive themselves? Could it have been prevented?
And behind all of this is Miles' religion class which he uses to try to answer some of life's biggest questions along with the help of his famous last words. Green handles all these situations like a pro without ever becoming preachy or over philosophical.
Yes YES! Read this book. It is truly a wonderful book and I really, really enjoyed it. I loved Miles' voice, and I loved the crazy and impulsive Alaska, and I loved the ridiculously short but uncompromisingly loyal Colonel.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Looking for Something Good to Read
WOW. I have not done a "real" post in quite sometime. SLACKER! Yeah yeah whateves. I suppose it's update time then!
We shall start with the most recent good news and that is...Packers win and Brett Farve sucks big time! HAHAHA! OH Brett. You thought you were sooo great, but the truth is YOU'RE NOT. You're OLD, and a PERV....oh yeah and you threw three interceptions tonight!
Seriously just go away. Have I mentioned that I hold a grudge?
In other news, I have not finished a book since last week. This is sad. So very very sad :(
I tried reading I Love You Like A Tomato by Marie Giordana and yeahhh, got to about page 150 and had to stop. I mean, it wasn't horrible or anything. It was interesting and I liked the character Chichi. I guess I just wasn't in the mood to read this type of book.
So then I figured that I must be looking for an action packed vampire book! So I tried reading The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason but bleeeehhh.
The book takes place in ninteenth-century London and I got to about page 13 before I got sick of seeing the word "whilst" and stared unbelievingly as the word "fiddlesticks" was used. "Fiddlesticks" was said in a serious way, but I only laughed and shut the book.
I might go back and read I Love You Like a Tomato ( jeez what a freakin long title!!!) the rest of the way through soon, but it will probably be a while (years) before I pick up TRFA again. Gail Carriger does it SO much better.
After my two failed book reading attempts I finally picked up Looking For Alaska by John Green. I am happy to announce that I will most likely finish this one haha! However, remember how I said that I have a bad habit of reading the bad reviews? Well, I did that for this book and boy do I regret it! I found out a major spoiler. Like a major major spoiler. GRR! Seriously Goodreads people, be polite and maybe at least mention that you are going to have a MAJOR spoiler in your review. Jerks!
Oh this book cover is WAY cooler than the stupid cover I got. I have a huge picture of a girl on mine. Lame. Anyways. I'm going to hopefully try to finish this book up by tomorrow, but with the way that I've been slacking, who knows. ::Sigh:: Stupid book slumps *kicks a can*
We shall start with the most recent good news and that is...Packers win and Brett Farve sucks big time! HAHAHA! OH Brett. You thought you were sooo great, but the truth is YOU'RE NOT. You're OLD, and a PERV....oh yeah and you threw three interceptions tonight!
Seriously just go away. Have I mentioned that I hold a grudge?
In other news, I have not finished a book since last week. This is sad. So very very sad :(

So then I figured that I must be looking for an action packed vampire book! So I tried reading The Rest Falls Away by Colleen Gleason but bleeeehhh.
The book takes place in ninteenth-century London and I got to about page 13 before I got sick of seeing the word "whilst" and stared unbelievingly as the word "fiddlesticks" was used. "Fiddlesticks" was said in a serious way, but I only laughed and shut the book.
I might go back and read I Love You Like a Tomato ( jeez what a freakin long title!!!) the rest of the way through soon, but it will probably be a while (years) before I pick up TRFA again. Gail Carriger does it SO much better.
After my two failed book reading attempts I finally picked up Looking For Alaska by John Green. I am happy to announce that I will most likely finish this one haha! However, remember how I said that I have a bad habit of reading the bad reviews? Well, I did that for this book and boy do I regret it! I found out a major spoiler. Like a major major spoiler. GRR! Seriously Goodreads people, be polite and maybe at least mention that you are going to have a MAJOR spoiler in your review. Jerks!
Oh this book cover is WAY cooler than the stupid cover I got. I have a huge picture of a girl on mine. Lame. Anyways. I'm going to hopefully try to finish this book up by tomorrow, but with the way that I've been slacking, who knows. ::Sigh:: Stupid book slumps *kicks a can*
Friday, October 22, 2010
Blog Hop!
Blog hop is hosted by Jen at Crazy for Books
If you're new to my page, Hello!!! And if you have been with me, well... I'm sorry :D
This weeks question is:
"Where is your favorite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?"
Hmm let's see, I'd say that I really like reading outside but, I usually just get eaten alive by mosquitos in the summer and in winter there's 10 feet of snow on the ground (ugh). So my favorite place to read is the couch downstairs in the basement. Not only does it have a very nice fireplace to curl up next to, but since it's downstairs, my husband usually can't find me and bother me hehe!! :D
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday (6)
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, where we share what books we are most looking forward to.
This Side of the Grave
by: Jeaniene Frost
Publication Date: February 22, 2011
Danger waits on both sides of the grave…
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her vampire husband Bones have fought for their lives, as well as for their relationship. But just when they’ve triumphed over the latest battle, Cat’s new and unexpected abilities threaten to upset a long-standing balance…
With the mysterious disappearance of vampires, rumors abound that a species war is brewing. A zealot is inciting tensions between the vampires and ghouls, and if these two powerful groups clash, innocent mortals could become collateral damage. Now Cat and Bones are forced to seek help from a dangerous “ally”—the ghoul queen of New Orleans herself. But the price of her assistance may prove more treacherous than even the threat of a supernatural war. …to say nothing of the repercussions Cat never imagined.
YAY! This is book 5 in the Night Huntress series and if you haven't read them yet WHAT are you waiting for?! Jeaniene Frost has definitely become one of my new favorite authors, and even though I kinda HATE Cat (yeah yeah I know she's the main character but she's so annoying sometimes!), I still love all her other characters.
Also if you haven't heard Frost has extended Bones and Cat's story to 9 books and also has a series in the works for one of my absolute favorite characters, Vlad. You can read more about it on her website here.
What are you waiting for??
This Side of the Grave
by: Jeaniene Frost
Publication Date: February 22, 2011
Danger waits on both sides of the grave…
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her vampire husband Bones have fought for their lives, as well as for their relationship. But just when they’ve triumphed over the latest battle, Cat’s new and unexpected abilities threaten to upset a long-standing balance…
With the mysterious disappearance of vampires, rumors abound that a species war is brewing. A zealot is inciting tensions between the vampires and ghouls, and if these two powerful groups clash, innocent mortals could become collateral damage. Now Cat and Bones are forced to seek help from a dangerous “ally”—the ghoul queen of New Orleans herself. But the price of her assistance may prove more treacherous than even the threat of a supernatural war. …to say nothing of the repercussions Cat never imagined.
YAY! This is book 5 in the Night Huntress series and if you haven't read them yet WHAT are you waiting for?! Jeaniene Frost has definitely become one of my new favorite authors, and even though I kinda HATE Cat (yeah yeah I know she's the main character but she's so annoying sometimes!), I still love all her other characters.
Also if you haven't heard Frost has extended Bones and Cat's story to 9 books and also has a series in the works for one of my absolute favorite characters, Vlad. You can read more about it on her website here.
What are you waiting for??
Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is hosted at The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND sign Mister Linky at the bottom to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Don't worry if you can't come up with ten every time...just post what you can!
Top Ten Fictional Crushes......in no particular order!
1. David from The Weather Warden series. He's a super hot Dijnn with control over material things like *ahem* clothes. Need I say more?
2. Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files. Sarcastic biting wit and always having inner turmoil over whether to use my awesome power for good or bad? Yes please! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this series?
3. Bones from the Night Huntress Novels. That accent! That sense of humor! Those glowing green eyes! *fans self*
4. Westley from The Princess Bride. How could you not love Westley? He can fence, defeat giants, make it though the fire swamp, and outsmart a Sicilian all in the name of true love. How sweet!
5. Algaliarept from Rachel Morgan/The Hollows series. Yes, it's true. I have a crush on a demon. But he's just so awesome with those slitted goat eyes and awesome dressing style.
6. Barrons from the Fever Series. I hope that you all will forgive me when I tell you that I have only read the first book in the series *ducks* Aren't you wondering how I still remember Barrons though? First impressions really are important, because I still remember him all these years later ;)
7.Valek from the Poison Study series. Aww he's so sweet! Teaching Yelena how to detect poisons and then carving stuff for her cause he loves her. aaawwwwwww
8. Vlad from the Night Huntress Novels. I can have a crush on two guys from the same series right?! Seriously if Vlad was any cooler I might just have to give up all my crushes and completely focus on him.
9. Adam from Mercey Thompson series. I love Adam. He's so genuine and honest, and put's everything out there. He doesn't hide things (ok maybe one thing) and gives Mercy her space. <3
10. Lord Maccoon from the Parasol Protectorate. He is too funny. I love how quick he gets angry and then does his sputtering thing.
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created here at The Broke and the Bookish. This meme was created because we are particularly fond of lists here at The Broke and the Bookish. We'd love to share our lists with other bookish folks and would LOVE to see your top ten lists!
Each week we will post a new Top Ten list complete with one of our bloggers answers. Everyone is welcome to join. All we ask is that you link back to The Broke and the Bookish on your own Top Ten Tuesday post AND sign Mister Linky at the bottom to share with us and all those who are participating. If you don't have a blog, just post your answers as a comment. Don't worry if you can't come up with ten every time...just post what you can!
Top Ten Fictional Crushes......in no particular order!
1. David from The Weather Warden series. He's a super hot Dijnn with control over material things like *ahem* clothes. Need I say more?
2. Harry Dresden from The Dresden Files. Sarcastic biting wit and always having inner turmoil over whether to use my awesome power for good or bad? Yes please! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this series?
3. Bones from the Night Huntress Novels. That accent! That sense of humor! Those glowing green eyes! *fans self*
4. Westley from The Princess Bride. How could you not love Westley? He can fence, defeat giants, make it though the fire swamp, and outsmart a Sicilian all in the name of true love. How sweet!
5. Algaliarept from Rachel Morgan/The Hollows series. Yes, it's true. I have a crush on a demon. But he's just so awesome with those slitted goat eyes and awesome dressing style.
6. Barrons from the Fever Series. I hope that you all will forgive me when I tell you that I have only read the first book in the series *ducks* Aren't you wondering how I still remember Barrons though? First impressions really are important, because I still remember him all these years later ;)
7.Valek from the Poison Study series. Aww he's so sweet! Teaching Yelena how to detect poisons and then carving stuff for her cause he loves her. aaawwwwwww
8. Vlad from the Night Huntress Novels. I can have a crush on two guys from the same series right?! Seriously if Vlad was any cooler I might just have to give up all my crushes and completely focus on him.
9. Adam from Mercey Thompson series. I love Adam. He's so genuine and honest, and put's everything out there. He doesn't hide things (ok maybe one thing) and gives Mercy her space. <3
10. Lord Maccoon from the Parasol Protectorate. He is too funny. I love how quick he gets angry and then does his sputtering thing.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
by: Jackie Morse Kessler
“Thou art the Black Rider. Go thee out unto the world.”
Lisabeth Lewis has a black steed, a set of scales, and a new job: she’s been appointed Famine. How will an anorexic seventeen-year-old girl from the suburbs fare as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Traveling the world on her steed gives Lisa freedom from her troubles at home: her constant battle with hunger, and her struggle to hide it from the people who care about her. But being Famine forces her to go places where hunger is a painful part of everyday life, and to face the horrifying effects of her phenomenal power. Can Lisa find a way to harness that power — and the courage to battle her own inner demons?
I thought the premise of this book was pretty outstanding. I mean, how cool would it be to become a Horseman of the Apocalypse?! To get to ride on a noble steed and all that good stuff.
This book explores a lot of Lisa's inner turmoil and her relationship with her anorexia. Being chosen to be a horseman of the apocalypse opens her eyes to the world around her and helps her see other people in even more difficult situations around her.
Kessler does an amazing job of showing us how Lisa's' Thin Voice messes with her head. Telling Lisa she is fat, and worthless, telling Lisa how many minutes on the exercise bike it will take to work off that one piece of broccoli and so on. It was fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time watching Lisa go through this. You want to reach out and shake her!
I love that Lisa's character grew stronger in her confidence with herself and finding her own voice after seeing how famine affects other people. She is definitely a likable character, however I felt that given the scarce amount of pages in the book, (around 180 pages) that she was the only one that was fleshed out into more than just two dimensions. I kind of wished that the book had been a tad bit longer so that the author could have maybe spent more time fleshing out the history and mythology of Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but at the same time, this book was about Lisa and her finding away to deal with her problems.
All in all this book was a quick and enjoyable read, and I will definitely be looking forward to the next book in the series, Rage.
by: Jackie Morse Kessler
“Thou art the Black Rider. Go thee out unto the world.”
Lisabeth Lewis has a black steed, a set of scales, and a new job: she’s been appointed Famine. How will an anorexic seventeen-year-old girl from the suburbs fare as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?
Traveling the world on her steed gives Lisa freedom from her troubles at home: her constant battle with hunger, and her struggle to hide it from the people who care about her. But being Famine forces her to go places where hunger is a painful part of everyday life, and to face the horrifying effects of her phenomenal power. Can Lisa find a way to harness that power — and the courage to battle her own inner demons?
I thought the premise of this book was pretty outstanding. I mean, how cool would it be to become a Horseman of the Apocalypse?! To get to ride on a noble steed and all that good stuff.
This book explores a lot of Lisa's inner turmoil and her relationship with her anorexia. Being chosen to be a horseman of the apocalypse opens her eyes to the world around her and helps her see other people in even more difficult situations around her.
Kessler does an amazing job of showing us how Lisa's' Thin Voice messes with her head. Telling Lisa she is fat, and worthless, telling Lisa how many minutes on the exercise bike it will take to work off that one piece of broccoli and so on. It was fascinating and heartbreaking at the same time watching Lisa go through this. You want to reach out and shake her!
I love that Lisa's character grew stronger in her confidence with herself and finding her own voice after seeing how famine affects other people. She is definitely a likable character, however I felt that given the scarce amount of pages in the book, (around 180 pages) that she was the only one that was fleshed out into more than just two dimensions. I kind of wished that the book had been a tad bit longer so that the author could have maybe spent more time fleshing out the history and mythology of Horsemen of the Apocalypse, but at the same time, this book was about Lisa and her finding away to deal with her problems.
All in all this book was a quick and enjoyable read, and I will definitely be looking forward to the next book in the series, Rage.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Blog Hop!
Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen at Crazy-for-Books!
This weeks question is:
"When you read a book that you just can't get into, do you stick it out and keep reading or move to your next title?"
I use to stick it out. Forced myself to finish and I remember being SO angry when I was done with the book wondering why I wasted so much time torturing myself. The last book I did this for was Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. UGH NEVER AGAIN!!!!
So after this is when I implemented my "read at least until page 50 to 100" (yeah yeah my rule is totally lenient.) Actually sometimes I won't even read that long. Life is too short to be torturing myself! Maybe someday I'll go back and read the ones that I.........no, no I wont :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Kiss of Bore
HaHa that's not really what the title of the book was. I had you going there for a second though didn't I?? But actually this book wasn't all that boring, cause, after all , I did finish it! Why did I read this? Cause I got it for free on my phone, that's why! I've heard this series being compared to J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series but I couldn't tell you anything about that as I have not read them yet.
I haven't been feeling the greatest in these past 24 hours so I've been laying around in bed reading this book off my phone. (Thanks Stanza!) Here's a summary about the book from Goodreads:
Kiss of Midnight
by: Lara Adrian
He watches her from across the crowded dance club, a sensual black-haired stranger who stirs Gabrielle Maxwell’s deepest fantasies. But nothing about this night—or this man—is what it seems. For when Gabrielle witnesses a murder outside the club, reality shifts into something dark and deadly. In that shattering instant she is thrust into a realm she never knew existed—a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and a blood war is set to ignite.
Lucan Thorne despises the violence carried out by his lawless brethren. A vampire himself, Lucan is a Breed warrior, sworn to protect his kind—and the unwitting humans existing alongside them—from the mounting threat of the Rogues. Lucan cannot risk binding himself to a mortal woman, but when Gabrielle is targeted by his enemies, he has no choice but to bring her into the dark underworld he commands.
Here, in the arms of the Breed’s formidable leader, Gabrielle will confront an extraordinary destiny of danger, seduction, and the darkest pleasures of all. . . .
I have heard that this series gets better and maaaaaayyyybe I'll try it out later.
What do you think of the cover? I for one, and not a fan.
*I know you are dying to know so I will just put this out there. Yes. I am available to draw portraits for you.
** No, I do not know why the vampire Lucian has no hands or feet in above picture.
***One more thing, Lucian did not wear a cape in the book, that is just artistic license taken by me.
I haven't been feeling the greatest in these past 24 hours so I've been laying around in bed reading this book off my phone. (Thanks Stanza!) Here's a summary about the book from Goodreads:
Kiss of Midnight
by: Lara Adrian
He watches her from across the crowded dance club, a sensual black-haired stranger who stirs Gabrielle Maxwell’s deepest fantasies. But nothing about this night—or this man—is what it seems. For when Gabrielle witnesses a murder outside the club, reality shifts into something dark and deadly. In that shattering instant she is thrust into a realm she never knew existed—a realm where vampires stalk the shadows and a blood war is set to ignite.
Lucan Thorne despises the violence carried out by his lawless brethren. A vampire himself, Lucan is a Breed warrior, sworn to protect his kind—and the unwitting humans existing alongside them—from the mounting threat of the Rogues. Lucan cannot risk binding himself to a mortal woman, but when Gabrielle is targeted by his enemies, he has no choice but to bring her into the dark underworld he commands.
Here, in the arms of the Breed’s formidable leader, Gabrielle will confront an extraordinary destiny of danger, seduction, and the darkest pleasures of all. . . .
This blurb about the book is way more interesting than the book itself I'd have to say. Most of this book was Lucan going back and forth on whether he wanted to be with Gabrielle. He'd come to her in the night (like the creepy emo vampire that he is) have some sexy time with her, and then leave in the morning all brooding and swearing it would be the last time he saw her, only to return to her the next night. For all intents and purposes Lucan was the girl in this relationship. SO indecisive I nearly pulled all my hair out.
No really, this is pretty much all that happens in the book! Back and forth, back and forth.
Yeah, there's a baddie but he makes all together about one and a half pages of the book. Whoopie I am so scared......
What do you think of the cover? I for one, and not a fan.
*I know you are dying to know so I will just put this out there. Yes. I am available to draw portraits for you.
** No, I do not know why the vampire Lucian has no hands or feet in above picture.
***One more thing, Lucian did not wear a cape in the book, that is just artistic license taken by me.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Waiting on Wednesday (5)
Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine where we share what books we are most looking forward to.
Tyger Tyger
by: Kersten Hamiltion
Publication Date: Nov. 15th 2010! SO CLOSE!!
From Goodreads:
Teagan Wylltson's best friend, Abby, dreams that horrifying creatures--goblins, shape-shifters, and beings of unearthly beauty but terrible cruelty--are hunting Teagan. Abby is always coming up with crazy stuff, though, so Teagan isn't worried. Her life isn't in danger. In fact, it's perfect. She's on track for a college scholarship. She has a great job. She's focused on school, work, and her future. No boys, no heartaches, no problems.
Until Finn Mac Cumhaill arrives. Finn's a bit on the unearthly beautiful side himself. He has a killer accent and a knee-weakening smile. And either he's crazy or he's been haunting Abby's dreams, because he's talking about goblins, too . . . and about being The Mac Cumhaill, born to fight all goblin-kind. Finn knows a thing or two about fighting. Which is a very good thing, because this time, Abby's right.
The goblins are coming.
Super exctied for this one. I haven't read too many books with goblins in them. Except of course Lord of the Rings and ya know Spiderman had The Green Goblin, and he wasn't all that bad. Goblins always seem to be getting a bad rap though, which is too bad because they seem to be talented in quite a lot of things ranging from weapon making to being ugly. Poor guys! Has anyone even tried to talk to them? Maybe they are really gentle creatures once you break through that protective wall they have put up around themselves!
What are you waiting for??
Tyger Tyger
by: Kersten Hamiltion
Publication Date: Nov. 15th 2010! SO CLOSE!!
From Goodreads:
Teagan Wylltson's best friend, Abby, dreams that horrifying creatures--goblins, shape-shifters, and beings of unearthly beauty but terrible cruelty--are hunting Teagan. Abby is always coming up with crazy stuff, though, so Teagan isn't worried. Her life isn't in danger. In fact, it's perfect. She's on track for a college scholarship. She has a great job. She's focused on school, work, and her future. No boys, no heartaches, no problems.
Until Finn Mac Cumhaill arrives. Finn's a bit on the unearthly beautiful side himself. He has a killer accent and a knee-weakening smile. And either he's crazy or he's been haunting Abby's dreams, because he's talking about goblins, too . . . and about being The Mac Cumhaill, born to fight all goblin-kind. Finn knows a thing or two about fighting. Which is a very good thing, because this time, Abby's right.
The goblins are coming.
Super exctied for this one. I haven't read too many books with goblins in them. Except of course Lord of the Rings and ya know Spiderman had The Green Goblin, and he wasn't all that bad. Goblins always seem to be getting a bad rap though, which is too bad because they seem to be talented in quite a lot of things ranging from weapon making to being ugly. Poor guys! Has anyone even tried to talk to them? Maybe they are really gentle creatures once you break through that protective wall they have put up around themselves!
What are you waiting for??
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride
by: William Goldman
What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be...well...a lot less than the man of her dreams?
As a boy, William Goldman claims, he loved to hear his father read the S. Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. But as a grown-up he discovered that the boring parts were left out of good old Dad's recitation, and only the "good parts" reached his ears.
Now Goldman does Dad one better. He's reconstructed the "Good Parts Version" to delight wise kids and wide-eyed grownups everywhere.
What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Beasties Monstrous and Gentle. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, Miracles, and a Little Sex.
In short, it's about everything.
Dude. I loved this book. This book goes up on my favorite books of all time shelf. And yeah, I'm sure that you can tell from my previous posts about books that it takes a lot to make it up there. What I really love about this book is that it is a stand alone. You don't see many of those these days, especially when you get into the fantasy genre. Add to that, the fact that this book was written in the 70's and you've got something special on your hands. This book really does have everything, romance, sword fighting, giants, death, revenge, miracles, and true love.
Ok and yes, I admit it, Goldman really had me thinking that there was an actual S. Morgenstern and that he really was telling the abridged version of the tale. Through out the book Goldman interrupts/inputs mini stories about things that he skipped in his abridged version including princess training for Buttercup, wedding preparations etc. Actually before the story even begins there is 36 pages of Goldman describing how he came to write the "abridged" version and all his legal troubles involved with it. It was cute and funny, but at the same time, I could have done without the interruptions I was so engrossed in the story that I just wanted to read! It's fascinating at the same time because really this story is two stories in one. Goldmans fake life and then him telling the abridged Princess Bride. Madness I tell you!
Now, I had seen the movie years ago so unfortunately when I was reading the book I pictured the movie characters in my head as I was reading. I was even doing the accents lol.
Basically I loved everything about this book. I loved the background information on the characters and the humor and well, I know I said it already but....everything! Actually I didn't really like Buttercup. Goldman makes her seem extremely cruel at times and stupid as well.
Aaaannd since I watched the movie yesterday I can tell you that I still enjoyed it. Some scenes were even taken word for word from the book, which I loved. Of course, Goldman did write the screenplay for the movie so that's probably why it wasn't completely butchered.
The movie starts with a grandfather reading the book to his sick grandson and similar to the book there are some interruptions while the action is going on. Like the child telling his grandfather that he read part of the book wrong. It's cute yes, but annoying because they always did this at the good parts!
Anyways I seem to have blabbered on and not really said anything so I shall tell you this...
Read the book! It will be good for your health!
by: William Goldman
What happens when the most beautiful girl in the world marries the handsomest prince of all time and he turns out to be...well...a lot less than the man of her dreams?
As a boy, William Goldman claims, he loved to hear his father read the S. Morgenstern classic, The Princess Bride. But as a grown-up he discovered that the boring parts were left out of good old Dad's recitation, and only the "good parts" reached his ears.
Now Goldman does Dad one better. He's reconstructed the "Good Parts Version" to delight wise kids and wide-eyed grownups everywhere.
What's it about? Fencing. Fighting. True Love. Strong Hate. Harsh Revenge. A Few Giants. Lots of Bad Men. Lots of Good Men. Five or Six Beautiful Women. Beasties Monstrous and Gentle. Some Swell Escapes and Captures. Death, Lies, Truth, Miracles, and a Little Sex.
In short, it's about everything.
Dude. I loved this book. This book goes up on my favorite books of all time shelf. And yeah, I'm sure that you can tell from my previous posts about books that it takes a lot to make it up there. What I really love about this book is that it is a stand alone. You don't see many of those these days, especially when you get into the fantasy genre. Add to that, the fact that this book was written in the 70's and you've got something special on your hands. This book really does have everything, romance, sword fighting, giants, death, revenge, miracles, and true love.
Ok and yes, I admit it, Goldman really had me thinking that there was an actual S. Morgenstern and that he really was telling the abridged version of the tale. Through out the book Goldman interrupts/inputs mini stories about things that he skipped in his abridged version including princess training for Buttercup, wedding preparations etc. Actually before the story even begins there is 36 pages of Goldman describing how he came to write the "abridged" version and all his legal troubles involved with it. It was cute and funny, but at the same time, I could have done without the interruptions I was so engrossed in the story that I just wanted to read! It's fascinating at the same time because really this story is two stories in one. Goldmans fake life and then him telling the abridged Princess Bride. Madness I tell you!
Now, I had seen the movie years ago so unfortunately when I was reading the book I pictured the movie characters in my head as I was reading. I was even doing the accents lol.
Basically I loved everything about this book. I loved the background information on the characters and the humor and well, I know I said it already but....everything! Actually I didn't really like Buttercup. Goldman makes her seem extremely cruel at times and stupid as well.
Aaaannd since I watched the movie yesterday I can tell you that I still enjoyed it. Some scenes were even taken word for word from the book, which I loved. Of course, Goldman did write the screenplay for the movie so that's probably why it wasn't completely butchered.
The movie starts with a grandfather reading the book to his sick grandson and similar to the book there are some interruptions while the action is going on. Like the child telling his grandfather that he read part of the book wrong. It's cute yes, but annoying because they always did this at the good parts!
Anyways I seem to have blabbered on and not really said anything so I shall tell you this...
Read the book! It will be good for your health!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Icebox Where My Heart Use To Be
I'm back! T'was a great vacation but it feels wonderful to be back home to see my all my little baby kitties :D I am quite proud of myself that I didn't purchase any books whilst I was away. There is no possible way I would have been able to fit anything else in my suitcase!
I read some really great news as well! Jeaniene Frost plans to write a series just for VLAD! Only two books so far but that is good enough for me! Oh and also push the Night Huntress Novels to 9 books instead of just 7 but ehhhh.....VLAD!!!! ( There is a lot of exclamation points in this post so far...(!!!!!!!!!!) ) You can read more about it on her website <---
When I read about this I squealed. Yes I did, you can ask my husband.
Hmmmmm what else..... oh yeah, I finished reading Clockwork Angel. Gosh it seemed so familiar, like something I've read before......what was it??? AH yes I recall now. It was City of Bones! Will is practically a shoe-in for Jace. I get they're relatives, but really? They couldn't have slightly different personalities?
What's that?
You're feeding off your wildly popular Mortal Instrument series and can't be bothered to come up with new character personalties?
Oooh okay.
GAH! Ok, what I just said seems pretty mean considering I actually did enjoy the plot for the most part.
OH wait, one more thing before I get to the positives.
**Spoilers Ahead!!**
Ok so for those who have read this book please, oh please tell me you had the same problem with Tessa at the beginning as I did. The Dark Sisters have her captive and tell her that if she doesn't do what they say , they will torture her brother. So Tessa stays to keep her brother alive. That makes sense, brotherly love and all that jazz. But then, once Tessa has managed her shifting talent they tell Tessa that she's ready. When Tessa asks what exactly it is that she is ready for, the Dark Sister reply that she is to be married. Now Tessa has been with the Dark Sisters like what? a month now? and had noooo problems being starved and harassed and such. But mention the word marriage and THAT is what makes her want to escape?! After all this time?! Come on now Tessa, you had to have had some other better reason for wanting to escape then just not wanting to get married to a stranger! FOOL!
**END SPOILERS!!** You Can Look Now!
Back to the positives! If I said I didn't like this book, I'd be lying. I mean, it's not the best book I've ever read by any means. It was basically a good book of fluff that I enjoyed, and while I'm not eagerly anticipating the next book in the series, I definitely do plan on reading it when it comes out.
Once again Clare's plots are ridiculously predictable but at least in these books (at least so far) there isn't that creepy weird feeling ( you know what I mean to those who have read the Mortal Instruments series!!!) you get from reading it, so that's a plus HA!
I suppose that's it for now. I'm off the watch The Princess Bride. I JUST finished the book on the plane ride home and I loved it! well except for......nevermind, I'll tell you in my next post.
I read some really great news as well! Jeaniene Frost plans to write a series just for VLAD! Only two books so far but that is good enough for me! Oh and also push the Night Huntress Novels to 9 books instead of just 7 but ehhhh.....VLAD!!!! ( There is a lot of exclamation points in this post so far...(!!!!!!!!!!) ) You can read more about it on her website <---
When I read about this I squealed. Yes I did, you can ask my husband.
Hmmmmm what else..... oh yeah, I finished reading Clockwork Angel. Gosh it seemed so familiar, like something I've read before......what was it??? AH yes I recall now. It was City of Bones! Will is practically a shoe-in for Jace. I get they're relatives, but really? They couldn't have slightly different personalities?
What's that?
You're feeding off your wildly popular Mortal Instrument series and can't be bothered to come up with new character personalties?
Oooh okay.
GAH! Ok, what I just said seems pretty mean considering I actually did enjoy the plot for the most part.
OH wait, one more thing before I get to the positives.
**Spoilers Ahead!!**

**END SPOILERS!!** You Can Look Now!
Back to the positives! If I said I didn't like this book, I'd be lying. I mean, it's not the best book I've ever read by any means. It was basically a good book of fluff that I enjoyed, and while I'm not eagerly anticipating the next book in the series, I definitely do plan on reading it when it comes out.
Once again Clare's plots are ridiculously predictable but at least in these books (at least so far) there isn't that creepy weird feeling ( you know what I mean to those who have read the Mortal Instruments series!!!) you get from reading it, so that's a plus HA!
I suppose that's it for now. I'm off the watch The Princess Bride. I JUST finished the book on the plane ride home and I loved it! well except for......nevermind, I'll tell you in my next post.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Missin Me...you know you do!
Are u guys missing me yet?? I'm blogging from my phone, which I must say is incredibly difficult! I'm sooo sad that I won't be able to do Waiting on Wednesday this week! It is absoulutly my favorite meme because I get to find out about all the awesome books that could soon reside on my bookshelf! However I am on a mini vacation and won't be able to visit blogs :( *sobs* So if u would be so kind as to just tell me what you're waiting for so I can put it on my wishlist asap I'd be much obliged Lol!!
When I get back the fun shall commence! I've got a half ass review about Clockwork Angel and maybe even possibly one for The Princess Bride! Woohoo! You know you're excited too!
So I guess that is it for now. Happy Wednesday everyone!
[insert badly done Photoshop picture of something] :D
When I get back the fun shall commence! I've got a half ass review about Clockwork Angel and maybe even possibly one for The Princess Bride! Woohoo! You know you're excited too!
So I guess that is it for now. Happy Wednesday everyone!
[insert badly done Photoshop picture of something] :D
Monday, October 4, 2010
A Guest Post!
This guest post comes from my most bestest friend in the whole wide world Natalie who actually just started her own blog because she loves to copy me :P Check out her page at Endlessly Autumn. She loves books just as much as I do but she reads them twice as fast (jerk). Not to mention she puts up with my obsessive need to find the books with no flaws at the book store so how could I not love her? Take it away lover!
Fairyville by Emma Holly
Sexy, contemporary fun from the USA Today bestselling author of All U Can Eat.
Meet Zoe Clare, a medium who has no trouble communicating with the dead. If only she could get her feelings across to Fairyville’s most eligible bachelor, Magnus Monroe. Fortunately, a tryst with an old flame sparks jealousy in Magnus, which gives Zoe satisfaction—in so many naughty ways.
I am guest blogging at the request of my BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD. This is my first blog appearance, so please, be kind.
I have a disease and unfortunately, it was communicable, as I caught it from my dear friend. She impulse buys books and truly judges books by their cover. I saw the cover of this book and was intrigued. That interest led to a little more research which then led to a purchase.
If I didn’t love book so much, I would BURN this one. But hey, I did the next best thing with it…
After reading the USA Today review, and finding this book on the bargain shelf at Barnes and Noble, I thought, “Why not?”
Let me tell you the many reasons WHY NOT.
Let me start with this. I enjoy a good “porn” book as my friend likes to call it. However, I enjoy a good M/F “porn” book. I’m not a homophobe by any means; I simply don’t enjoy reading about it. It’s just not my forte.
Zoe has lusted after Magnus for many a moon, only to hear the stories from other town floozies about his wild sexual prowess. Zoe, who has been pining after him for years, decides to put her sultriest foot forward and finally receive some of that good, good love. Unfortunately that “good, good love” that she has been dying for…ends up being bootylicious if you follow my meaning. In fact, the ENTIRE book is erotic anal, definitely not what I am looking for in a read. I found the back cover and reviews extremely misleading and regret having spent any money on this piece of…work.
I truly believe that there should be some kind of warning when buying a mature adult read. I personally don’t want to read about what two guys, two guys and a girl, or even what a girl and a guy do in and around THAT region. What, can’t you put a stamp on it! Geez!
All in all, I found my self skipping the pages that made me cringe and only got about six pages of story…none of which were good. Emma Holly, I will never buy one of your books again, bargain shelf or not.
This book has been haunting my shelf for a few months now, and like I said earlier…I really needed to get rid of it but can’t bring myself to throw it away or burn it. I certainly won’t take it to half priced books, as I wouldn’t want someone else to fall into the same trap that I did…I need to save them from themselves. So last night, after a wonderful evening at my friend’s house, I decided to sneak into her library, which is OVERFLOWING with books she hasn’t even read yet and file it away alphabetically, hoping she wouldn’t find it until the year 2013. I may have spilled the beans with this guest blog, but I can laugh just imagining her face.
I’m thoroughly disappointed that this book released on my birthday, but can get SOME satisfaction knowing it became my friends “present”.

Evil laugh goes here…
Thanks lover pants! I do have to thank you for at least filing this "present" in alphabetical order. But you totally cheated as I was intoxicated when you snuck this book in my shelf. It's really too bad that you didn't like this. I mean the cover is stunning if I do say so myself. Maybe we can just tear out the pages and put the cover on a different book? Eh...too much work.
Fairyville by Emma Holly
Sexy, contemporary fun from the USA Today bestselling author of All U Can Eat.
Meet Zoe Clare, a medium who has no trouble communicating with the dead. If only she could get her feelings across to Fairyville’s most eligible bachelor, Magnus Monroe. Fortunately, a tryst with an old flame sparks jealousy in Magnus, which gives Zoe satisfaction—in so many naughty ways.
I am guest blogging at the request of my BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD. This is my first blog appearance, so please, be kind.
I have a disease and unfortunately, it was communicable, as I caught it from my dear friend. She impulse buys books and truly judges books by their cover. I saw the cover of this book and was intrigued. That interest led to a little more research which then led to a purchase.
If I didn’t love book so much, I would BURN this one. But hey, I did the next best thing with it…
After reading the USA Today review, and finding this book on the bargain shelf at Barnes and Noble, I thought, “Why not?”
Let me tell you the many reasons WHY NOT.
Let me start with this. I enjoy a good “porn” book as my friend likes to call it. However, I enjoy a good M/F “porn” book. I’m not a homophobe by any means; I simply don’t enjoy reading about it. It’s just not my forte.
Zoe has lusted after Magnus for many a moon, only to hear the stories from other town floozies about his wild sexual prowess. Zoe, who has been pining after him for years, decides to put her sultriest foot forward and finally receive some of that good, good love. Unfortunately that “good, good love” that she has been dying for…ends up being bootylicious if you follow my meaning. In fact, the ENTIRE book is erotic anal, definitely not what I am looking for in a read. I found the back cover and reviews extremely misleading and regret having spent any money on this piece of…work.
I truly believe that there should be some kind of warning when buying a mature adult read. I personally don’t want to read about what two guys, two guys and a girl, or even what a girl and a guy do in and around THAT region. What, can’t you put a stamp on it! Geez!
All in all, I found my self skipping the pages that made me cringe and only got about six pages of story…none of which were good. Emma Holly, I will never buy one of your books again, bargain shelf or not.
This book has been haunting my shelf for a few months now, and like I said earlier…I really needed to get rid of it but can’t bring myself to throw it away or burn it. I certainly won’t take it to half priced books, as I wouldn’t want someone else to fall into the same trap that I did…I need to save them from themselves. So last night, after a wonderful evening at my friend’s house, I decided to sneak into her library, which is OVERFLOWING with books she hasn’t even read yet and file it away alphabetically, hoping she wouldn’t find it until the year 2013. I may have spilled the beans with this guest blog, but I can laugh just imagining her face.
I’m thoroughly disappointed that this book released on my birthday, but can get SOME satisfaction knowing it became my friends “present”.

Evil laugh goes here…
Thanks lover pants! I do have to thank you for at least filing this "present" in alphabetical order. But you totally cheated as I was intoxicated when you snuck this book in my shelf. It's really too bad that you didn't like this. I mean the cover is stunning if I do say so myself. Maybe we can just tear out the pages and put the cover on a different book? Eh...too much work.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I Feel Loved :D
I won an award!! *blushes* This is my first award so a huge thanks to Angela at Touch the Night and
Kristina at Frazzled Book Nommer for thinking of me :D
Here's the rules for the award:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Pass the award on to 10 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic
4. Contact the blogger you've picked and let them know about the award
Ok so here's my seven things that I know you're just dying to know about me.
1. My absolute most favorite movie in the whole wide world is Clue. Yes it's old and cheesy, and yes I know every line in the movie but I just can't get enough of it. When I'm sick or don't feel good, this is the movie I pop in to make me feel better.
2. I've got 4 cats and they are my little babies. Even though they claw at the carpet, tip over my water glass, play in their water bowl and splash water everywhere, and vomit in the most ridiculous places, I love them dearly. ( I want more)
3. I don't bend the bindings on my books. Ever. And when I shop for a book it's got to be in perfect condition for me to buy it. Yes I have problems.
4. I tried to be vegan for about 3 months and succeeded, but now I have become a vegetarian.
5. I run into the same corner of my house almost everyday. I don't know why I can't avoid hitting this stupid corner!
6. I'm cold all the time. No joke. As I sit here typing this I've got on a hoodie sweatshirt and sweatpants and my fingers are freezing. I have to search for my gloves LOL
7. I like to take pictures. My pictures usually end up being of my cats but well, they are cute dammit!
I shall spread my love toooo:
Cherry @ Cherry Mischievous
Marissa and Michelle @ Novels on the Run
Heather @ Little Squeed
Ash @ Smash Attack Reads!
A!ko @ Life's Little Suprises
Kay @ Dead Book Darling
Rae @ In The Forest
Amelia @ Imagination in Focus
Kai @ Amaterasu Reads
Ava @ Book Infinity
OoOH yeah I got tagged!
This is an international game of tag and I've been tagged by Lacey at The Delusional Diaries! I have to answer questions about myself so you can get to know me better and then I'll tag four other bloggers! Sounds fun right?!
4 Things that are in my handbag
1. My glasses
2. Three pens, cause you know you can never have enough!
3. About a million pennies. I always forget to take the change out of my purse
4. My Burt's Bees chapstick. I LOVE IT
4 Things in/on my desk
1. My camera <3
2. 4 pens. lol I think I might have pen obsession
3. Batteries. Don't ask me why
4. Camera charger. Omg I've been looking for this stupid thing!
4 Favorite things in my bedroom
1. My bed. I love my bed. If I could spend all day in bed....I would
2. My book light. This stupid thing is so freakin bright and my husband gets angry but I still love you little light!
3. My closet. :::sigh:::
4. The picture of me and my mom. It was taken on Christmas a really really long time ago. We really need a new picture.
4 Things I've always wanted to do but haven't
1. Skydive. I always say I want to do it but really I think I would be too chicken!
2. Go to New Zealand! Never been overseas before.
3. Own a dog lol!
4. Scuba dive.
4 Things I enjoy very much at the moment
1. My husband
2. Reading!
3. My cats
4. Tea mmmm
4 Songs I can't get out of my head
1. Harder to Breath by Maroon 5
2. Bulletproof by La Roux
3. Criminal by Fiona Apple
4. Poem by Taproot
4 Things you don't know about me
1. I have an obsessive need to alphabetize everything
2. I had that lasik eye surgery done but I'm back to wearing glasses lol! just for driving!
3. My second favorite movie after Clue is Practical Magic
4. I crack my knuckles ewwww
4 Bloggers I'm Tagging
Kristina @ Frazzled Book Nommer
Angela @ Touch the Night
Cherry @ Cherry Mischievous
A!ko @ Life's Little Suprises
OMG Football is on I gotta gooooo!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Thief With No Shadow
Yesterday I started reading Thief With No Shadow by Emily Gee. I've had this book sitting on my shelf for I don't know how long! I swear when I pulled the book off the shelf I heard it give a squeal of joy.
Aided by the magic which courses through her veins, Melke is able to walk unseen by mortal eyes. When a necklace she has stolen holds the key to both saving her brother's life and breaking a terrible curse, she must steal it back from the den of fire-breathing salamanders. Things are about to get very tough for Melke, especially when she comes to realise she may have to trust the very people who were out to kill her.
Ok so I admit, I look on goodreads and amazon and I read all the negative reviews about books. Don't ask me why I just do. Anyways there were numerous reviews that were not so favorable to this book and I really thought I wouldn't like it. So I started reading the book and really really thought I wasn't going to like it. I mean, within the first 3 chapters the characters shivered like 10 times. She shivered, he shivered, everybody effing shivered!! But I kept reading! I liked the character Melke.
Melke stole a necklace to save her brother from the oddly scary fire breathing salamanders (haha can you imagine a fire breathing salamander? I'm giggling just thinking about it). Here's the kicker, the guy (Bastian) she stole the necklace from is also under a curse and he needs the necklace back to save his family. Bastian is furious that Melke stole the necklace from him and he's got nothing but blind hatred for her now. He makes Melke a deal, he will take Melke and her brother back to his house so that Bastian's sister can heal Melke's brother, and in return Melke must steal the necklace back from the salamanders den. Hmm did that make sense?
Most of the book takes place at Bastian's house. His sister is a healer and spends most of her time healing Melke's brother. Yeah. That's pretty much all that happens. Bastian thinks about how much he hates Melke. Melke gets to know Bastian's sister. Bastian is mean to Melke. Brother gets better. Wow. It goes on like this for more than half of the book. And yet I was strangly interested. I enjoyed getting to know the back stories of the characters. I enjoyed watching Bastian and Melke try to deal with each other and their acceptance of each other.
Then something exciting happens! Things get more urgent. I can't give you all the details (unless you really want me to!) because it would spoil the story but let's just say that I was kind of surprised that if one of the characters had made a different choice early on( i.e. before Melke stole the necklace), none of the events that happened would have ever needed to take place. I mean, it was kind of a slap in the face to the character who was stupid enough not to realize what he or she could have done in the first place.
But alas he/she was stupid.
Back to the bad reviews...I can see where they would come from. Lots of thoughts are repeated in the heads of the characters, slow moving story, Bastian kind of gets tiresome with his hate rants, and after the big climax of the story it sort of goes right back to where we started. Slow moving and lots of thoughts from characters. But dammit I liked it! This just goes to show that I shouldn't believe all the negative reviews....but it's not going to stop me from reading them! hehe!
Aided by the magic which courses through her veins, Melke is able to walk unseen by mortal eyes. When a necklace she has stolen holds the key to both saving her brother's life and breaking a terrible curse, she must steal it back from the den of fire-breathing salamanders. Things are about to get very tough for Melke, especially when she comes to realise she may have to trust the very people who were out to kill her.
Ok so I admit, I look on goodreads and amazon and I read all the negative reviews about books. Don't ask me why I just do. Anyways there were numerous reviews that were not so favorable to this book and I really thought I wouldn't like it. So I started reading the book and really really thought I wasn't going to like it. I mean, within the first 3 chapters the characters shivered like 10 times. She shivered, he shivered, everybody effing shivered!! But I kept reading! I liked the character Melke.
Melke stole a necklace to save her brother from the oddly scary fire breathing salamanders (haha can you imagine a fire breathing salamander? I'm giggling just thinking about it). Here's the kicker, the guy (Bastian) she stole the necklace from is also under a curse and he needs the necklace back to save his family. Bastian is furious that Melke stole the necklace from him and he's got nothing but blind hatred for her now. He makes Melke a deal, he will take Melke and her brother back to his house so that Bastian's sister can heal Melke's brother, and in return Melke must steal the necklace back from the salamanders den. Hmm did that make sense?
Most of the book takes place at Bastian's house. His sister is a healer and spends most of her time healing Melke's brother. Yeah. That's pretty much all that happens. Bastian thinks about how much he hates Melke. Melke gets to know Bastian's sister. Bastian is mean to Melke. Brother gets better. Wow. It goes on like this for more than half of the book. And yet I was strangly interested. I enjoyed getting to know the back stories of the characters. I enjoyed watching Bastian and Melke try to deal with each other and their acceptance of each other.
Then something exciting happens! Things get more urgent. I can't give you all the details (unless you really want me to!) because it would spoil the story but let's just say that I was kind of surprised that if one of the characters had made a different choice early on( i.e. before Melke stole the necklace), none of the events that happened would have ever needed to take place. I mean, it was kind of a slap in the face to the character who was stupid enough not to realize what he or she could have done in the first place.
But alas he/she was stupid.
Back to the bad reviews...I can see where they would come from. Lots of thoughts are repeated in the heads of the characters, slow moving story, Bastian kind of gets tiresome with his hate rants, and after the big climax of the story it sort of goes right back to where we started. Slow moving and lots of thoughts from characters. But dammit I liked it! This just goes to show that I shouldn't believe all the negative reviews....but it's not going to stop me from reading them! hehe!
I need drawing lessons...
And hello to all my new followers!
Book Blogger Hop
The Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen at Crazy for books. This is my fiiiirrst week! yippie!

This weeks question is:
"How do you spread the word about your blog (e.g. Social Networking Sites, Blog Book Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
This is my first week doing the Blog Hop so HI EVERYONE! *waves*
Ok so I just started blogging like uhhh....last month so I'm gonna go ahead and say that I still don't have a clue what I'm doing! For example: How do I get the Blog hop button to show up on my blog? I iz confused!
I really love doing the Waiting on Wednesday meme and I'm subscribed to quite a few blogs so I try to comment on other peoples blogs as much as I can.
I do have a twitter account but, yeah, I don't really like Twitter LOL I need a crash course in it or something because I am totally lame and don't understand it.
Also I get nervous about having other people see my blog. :-/
That is all. I shall start hopping now hop hop hop
Edit: Thanks to Dutchie for telling me how to put the blog button in! \o/!

This weeks question is:
"How do you spread the word about your blog (e.g. Social Networking Sites, Blog Book Directories, comments on other blogs...)"
This is my first week doing the Blog Hop so HI EVERYONE! *waves*
Ok so I just started blogging like uhhh....last month so I'm gonna go ahead and say that I still don't have a clue what I'm doing! For example: How do I get the Blog hop button to show up on my blog? I iz confused!
I really love doing the Waiting on Wednesday meme and I'm subscribed to quite a few blogs so I try to comment on other peoples blogs as much as I can.
I do have a twitter account but, yeah, I don't really like Twitter LOL I need a crash course in it or something because I am totally lame and don't understand it.
Also I get nervous about having other people see my blog. :-/
That is all. I shall start hopping now hop hop hop
Edit: Thanks to Dutchie for telling me how to put the blog button in! \o/!
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